The Seventh Entry
[This is the First TT, we had and I am sure, certainly one of the best]
1. About which famous incident in science is this being said : "If a lion chases you to a the bank of a river filled with crocodiles, you will leap into the water convinced (that) you have a chance to swim to the othere side. But you will never accept such odds if there were no lions" ?
2. Indian History : Complete the following : Multan, Nagarkot, Kannauj and .............
3. In 1910, Dr Henry Goddard invented a word to officially describe someone whose IQ is below 75. This is the only word ever voted into the English language by a convention of pchycologists. Name the word.
4. Complete the series with respect to 1924 Paris Olympics : Leonard Carpenter, Howard Kingsbury, Daniel Lindlay, John Miller, James Rockefeller, Frederick Sheffield, Lawrence Stoddard, Alfred Wilson and ___________.
5. What is the common term of affection for children in and around Allahabad ?
6. During World War II, after having a stint with the European Theatre this gentleman was content to be posted in Quetta and then in Shimla. In 1936 when the Indian High Commissioner in London felicitated the Indian Hockey Team for winning the Olympic Gold, he was present as the guest of honor. He was also in mysticism and Eastern Philosophy, study of which made him apathetic to christianity. He also learnt Hindi and became quite fluent in the language. Identify this sportsman.
7. Which mountain peak is called the Ti-Se in Tibet meaning "Precious Jewel of The snow" ?
8. Which seemingly non-existing points were named in 1965 by the John Hopkings Applied Physics Laboratory as being in Ireland, South east of the Cape of the Cape of Good Hope, west of the Peruvian Coast and Between New Guinea and Japan ?
9. It literaly means "Made of Clay" and is made out of a scooped out single block of wood, usually a neem tree or coconut. Name the instrument.
10. STA SOL NE MOEARE (Stand sun, move not). On whose tomb will you find these words ?
11. He manages the Shambhunarayan Trust and has founded the Akhil Bharatiya Sena. Who ?
12. In Indian political history, why do we remember Maragatham Chandrashekhar ?
13. What is omitted from the list : Chester, Cornwall, Rothesay, Carrick, Renfrew, The Isles, Scotland and ..........?
14. A report by William Howard Russel in The Times -25 October 1854 described the first stage of the Battle of Balaclava in the Crimean War. Russel wrote of the Russian Charge repulsed by the British 93rd Highlanders : 'The Ground lies beneath their horses feet at every stride, they dash on towards ...' By the time he was writing 'The British Expedition to the Crimea(1877), Russel penned : 'The Russians dashed on towards ___________. Complete the sentence.
15. When cars taken for test drives from car showrooms never return, when valuable guests leave hotels without paying, when lockers turn up empty, when you figure that the money in your hands is fake, chances are, in a little while, a simple little scrawl will appear where you least expect it to, which will tell you that ________ and ______ were here. Fill in the blanks.
16. Complete the list: Ms Clarissa luard, Ms Marianne Wiggins, Mrs Elizabeth West and ______
17. Who played the role of young Mithun Chakraborty in the movies "Humse Hain Zamana" and "Ustadi Ustaad Se" ?
18. He was born on April 19th, 1987. Almost 19 years have passed, but he is still 10 years of age. He is an expert ballet dancer. He once sold his soul for $5. When he drives in what is touted as Hitler's car he screams "Its Fuhrer-ific"!. Who ?
19. Which is the only Capital city in the world named after Lord Hanuman ?
20. What can be Gauri, Tripura, Kalika and Ananda ?
21. What term did Frank Loesch, president of the Chicago Crime Comission, who had to try to deal with Al Capone's hold over the city in 1923, first coin?
22. She was a student of MSc in Social Psychology at the London School of Economics, but now she runs her own business, selling her own brand of handbags. She was also the host of the short-lived reality televison-dating program called Mr. Personality. She is famous for a blue dress that was purchased at The Gap. It is currnetly owned and stored by the National Archives and Records Administration. Who?
23. In Hindu Mythology, Hiranyakashyap was the king of demons, and he had been granted a boon by Bramha, which made it almost impossible for him to be killed. The boon was due to his long penance, after which he had demanded that he not be killed "during day or night, inside the home or outside, not on earth or on the sky, neither by man nor by an animal, neither by astra not by shashtra". Consequently, he grew arrogant, and attacked the Heavens and the Earth. He demanded that people stop worshipping gods and starts praying to him. But, his own son, Prahlad was a devotee of Lord Vishnu. Is spite of several threats from Hiranyakashyap, Prahlad continued offering prayers to Lord Vishnu. He was poisoned, but the poison turned to nectar in his mouth. He was ordered to be trmapled by elephants yet remained unharmed. He was put in a room with hungry and poisonous snakes ans survived. All of Hirnayakashyap's attempt at killing him failed. Ultimately, he ordered young Prahlad to sit on a Pyre on the lap of his sister ______ whod could not die by fire by the virtue of a shawl, which would prevent fire affecting the person wearing it. Fill in the blank.
24. Who/What evolved from an impromptu dinner called in 1934 by literary essayist Christopher Morley and Vincent Starret followed by the adoption of an eccentric constitution, proposed by a journalist Elmer Davis, with its celebrated final clauses -- " All other business shall be left to the mothly meetings; "There shall be no monthly meetings" ?