The Fifth Entry
On one of the Thursdays... Quiz master was Anindya Bhattacharjee
1. What are over-hand, casino and Russian types of?
2. Why do we say “swaha” while making offerings to the fire?
3. This great warrior, who was Krishna’s disciple, declared before the Mahabharata war that irrespective of who’s side he fights for, he will switch sides when he finds that the opposition has become weaker by way of losses in the war. He will keep doing this throughout the war. Krishna realised that this means both sides will be obliterated though the war might never reach a conclusion. So, as ‘guru dakshina’ he asked for him for his head. The latter agreed instantly but wanted to see the great war through his own eyes. So his head was hanged from a tree in the battlefield from where he watched the war. Who?
4. Based on the creator’s father and uncle,they were initially called X-33 and X-33A, and were later named Dupont and Dumond in French. They inspired a 1980’s British pop band. Who are being talked about?
5. Developed by Wilbur Scoville in 1912, what does the Scoville Health Unit or SHU measure ?
6. In cricket terminology what is a “brace”?
7. He is reported to have discovered that halving the length of a tensioned musical string will cause its musical pitch to rise an octave. He extended this concept to find out different ratios of length of the string to different notes of sound produced. A type of guitar tuned according to his study is named after him. Who is he?
8. A unique design of forts, such that only a quarter of the fort would be exposed if one of the gates was broken into, came to be known by a Sanskrit word meaning, ‘Good Habitation’. Later, it lost its importance in fort building but has retained a special mystical significance. What?
9. He was such a great fighter that sometimes Indra would summon for him when there was a fight with the demons. He could so easily control his chariot that it seemed as if he is fighting in different directions at the same time. Identify him.
10. Complete the series:
i> The Devil Came at Night (Federal Republic of Germany)
ii> Gates of Paris (France)
iii> The Nights of Cabiria (Italy)
iv> Nine Lives (Norway)
v> ________________.
11. What is the following referring to?
Virtues - Faith (12), Reliability (51), Generosity (57), Knowledge (76), Asceticism (78)
Evil - Disobedience (41), Vanity (44), Vulgarity (49), Theft (52), Lying (58), Drunkenness (62), Debt (69), Murder (73), Rage (84), Greed (92), Pride (95) and Lust (99).
It was used to teach children that virtues allows one to ascend higher in the league of life, whereas, evil reduces one back through reincarnation to lower tiers of life.
12. When he was born, he was crying in such a loud voice that all the devatas had to pray to him to pacify him. Has a brother who is the sun god’s charioteer.When he went to fetch amrita for his mother, he crushed all opposition from the devatas. When Lord Vishnu came in to their rescue, even he found it impossible to contain him. Please he asked him to pray for a boon. In return he asked Vishnu to pray to him for a boon as he didn’t keep favours.Who is he?
13. An argument ensued between Brahma and Vishnu as to their superiority over one another, when there appeared before them, a huge lingam of fire, with tongues of flames blazing out of it. Curious to trace the origins of this column of fire, Brahma assumed the form of a swan and flew upwards, while Vishnu assumed the form of a boar, and burrowed down into the earth. While Brahma was flying upwards, he saw the petals of a ketaki flower drifting down. Tired by the futility of his efforts to reach the top of the fire, he requested the flower to acquiese to his lie that he had seen the top of the column. He confronted Vishnu and asserted that he had indeed discovered the origin of the cosmic column. What happened next?
14. What was “Oxychem Limited”?
15. This batsman felt that his curly locks were coming in the way of seeing the ball properly. He walked up to the umpire and asked him to help him cut off his locks which were blocking his vision. The umpire luckily had a blade and obliged. Identify the two characters involved.
16. Tintin in Tibet ran into rough waters for apparently giving a certain company a bad name for an incident shown in the book, which actually is the primal cause of the story of Tintin in Tibet. What was the name of the company and which Indian company objected for this?
17. What martial art form was brought by the African slaves to Brazil, was rampant among the lower classes in the society and had to be banned later on because of the sharp rise in crimes where the modus operandi was this art. It is accompanied by music when practiced.
1. What are over-hand, casino and Russian types of?
2. Why do we say “swaha” while making offerings to the fire?
3. This great warrior, who was Krishna’s disciple, declared before the Mahabharata war that irrespective of who’s side he fights for, he will switch sides when he finds that the opposition has become weaker by way of losses in the war. He will keep doing this throughout the war. Krishna realised that this means both sides will be obliterated though the war might never reach a conclusion. So, as ‘guru dakshina’ he asked for him for his head. The latter agreed instantly but wanted to see the great war through his own eyes. So his head was hanged from a tree in the battlefield from where he watched the war. Who?
4. Based on the creator’s father and uncle,they were initially called X-33 and X-33A, and were later named Dupont and Dumond in French. They inspired a 1980’s British pop band. Who are being talked about?
5. Developed by Wilbur Scoville in 1912, what does the Scoville Health Unit or SHU measure ?
6. In cricket terminology what is a “brace”?
7. He is reported to have discovered that halving the length of a tensioned musical string will cause its musical pitch to rise an octave. He extended this concept to find out different ratios of length of the string to different notes of sound produced. A type of guitar tuned according to his study is named after him. Who is he?
8. A unique design of forts, such that only a quarter of the fort would be exposed if one of the gates was broken into, came to be known by a Sanskrit word meaning, ‘Good Habitation’. Later, it lost its importance in fort building but has retained a special mystical significance. What?
9. He was such a great fighter that sometimes Indra would summon for him when there was a fight with the demons. He could so easily control his chariot that it seemed as if he is fighting in different directions at the same time. Identify him.
10. Complete the series:
i> The Devil Came at Night (Federal Republic of Germany)
ii> Gates of Paris (France)
iii> The Nights of Cabiria (Italy)
iv> Nine Lives (Norway)
v> ________________.
11. What is the following referring to?
Virtues - Faith (12), Reliability (51), Generosity (57), Knowledge (76), Asceticism (78)
Evil - Disobedience (41), Vanity (44), Vulgarity (49), Theft (52), Lying (58), Drunkenness (62), Debt (69), Murder (73), Rage (84), Greed (92), Pride (95) and Lust (99).
It was used to teach children that virtues allows one to ascend higher in the league of life, whereas, evil reduces one back through reincarnation to lower tiers of life.
12. When he was born, he was crying in such a loud voice that all the devatas had to pray to him to pacify him. Has a brother who is the sun god’s charioteer.When he went to fetch amrita for his mother, he crushed all opposition from the devatas. When Lord Vishnu came in to their rescue, even he found it impossible to contain him. Please he asked him to pray for a boon. In return he asked Vishnu to pray to him for a boon as he didn’t keep favours.Who is he?
13. An argument ensued between Brahma and Vishnu as to their superiority over one another, when there appeared before them, a huge lingam of fire, with tongues of flames blazing out of it. Curious to trace the origins of this column of fire, Brahma assumed the form of a swan and flew upwards, while Vishnu assumed the form of a boar, and burrowed down into the earth. While Brahma was flying upwards, he saw the petals of a ketaki flower drifting down. Tired by the futility of his efforts to reach the top of the fire, he requested the flower to acquiese to his lie that he had seen the top of the column. He confronted Vishnu and asserted that he had indeed discovered the origin of the cosmic column. What happened next?
14. What was “Oxychem Limited”?
15. This batsman felt that his curly locks were coming in the way of seeing the ball properly. He walked up to the umpire and asked him to help him cut off his locks which were blocking his vision. The umpire luckily had a blade and obliged. Identify the two characters involved.
16. Tintin in Tibet ran into rough waters for apparently giving a certain company a bad name for an incident shown in the book, which actually is the primal cause of the story of Tintin in Tibet. What was the name of the company and which Indian company objected for this?
17. What martial art form was brought by the African slaves to Brazil, was rampant among the lower classes in the society and had to be banned later on because of the sharp rise in crimes where the modus operandi was this art. It is accompanied by music when practiced.

20. The first and fourth unpublished novel covers of whom?

22. Drawings by whom? (hints: As a student he was rejected by Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
but, he always wanted to become an artist)

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