the 17th enrty ---Quiz.ppt
conducted by Gitanjali Singh ??
1. There is no theory of evolution just a bunch of animals __ __ allows to live.
The chief export of __ __ is pain.
Guns don’t kill people __ __ kills people.
__ __ has two speeds Walk and Kill.
__ __ does not sleep. He waits.
__ __ does not go hunting people. __ __ goes killing.
2. What is known as Double Quink or Parker 51 ink?
4. Frigga the Norse goddess of love and fertility had a son called Baldur. When he was born Frigga made every plant, animal and inanimate object promise not to harm Baldur, but she overlooked the __ plant. Loki the mischievous god tricked other Gods into killing Baldur using a spear from __. Baldur the vegetation deity died bringing winter in the world. Frigga’s tears became the plant’s white berries and restored Baldur’s life. After which Frigga pronounced __ sacred ordering that from now on it should bring love rather than death, thus came the famous tradition of kissing under the __ whenever a couple passes under the plant.
8. There are groups of women in US who often go up in arms for the cause of Women's rights and other exploitation issues. Once this group staged a massive protest against the publication of Playboy which they said portrayed women as sex objects. Playboy in turn argued that the magazine was not only bought by people for the pictures but for the educative and informative articles in them. They gave a very strong proof to support this argument. What ?
10. This liquor gets its name from Dutch for “fire wine or burnt wine” and usually contains 40–60% ethyl alcohol by volume. Unless specified otherwise, it is made from grape wine. It is normally consumed as an after-dinner drink and sometimes filled with chocolate. Kirschwasser, Himbergeeist, Cognac and Armagnac are types of this drink. Best drunk at cool room temperature. Often it is slightly warmed, by holding the glass in the cup of the palm or gently heating with a candle. Fruits like apple, plum, peach, cherry, raspberry, blackberry, and apricot can also be used to make this drink. Which spirit is being described here?
"Claret is the liquor for boys; port for men; but he who aspires to be a hero must drink _____." – Samuel Johnson
11. Frederich Kekule witnessed a snake seizing it’s own tail in a dream, which was primarily an ancient symbol called Ourobros. He claimed that this helped him discover the shape of the molecule of an organic chemical compound. Which one?

1. There is no theory of evolution just a bunch of animals __ __ allows to live.
The chief export of __ __ is pain.
Guns don’t kill people __ __ kills people.
__ __ has two speeds Walk and Kill.
__ __ does not sleep. He waits.
__ __ does not go hunting people. __ __ goes killing.
2. What is known as Double Quink or Parker 51 ink?
4. Frigga the Norse goddess of love and fertility had a son called Baldur. When he was born Frigga made every plant, animal and inanimate object promise not to harm Baldur, but she overlooked the __ plant. Loki the mischievous god tricked other Gods into killing Baldur using a spear from __. Baldur the vegetation deity died bringing winter in the world. Frigga’s tears became the plant’s white berries and restored Baldur’s life. After which Frigga pronounced __ sacred ordering that from now on it should bring love rather than death, thus came the famous tradition of kissing under the __ whenever a couple passes under the plant.
5. This internationally acclaimed mascot is an advertising icon and mascot of __. When poked in the stomach, he makes a short giggling noise, lightly grabs his stomach, and smiles. Thought up by a copywriter of Leo Burnett when he was sitting in his kitchen under the pressure to create a campaign and imagined a dough boy popping out.
Name the mascot.

5. This internationally acclaimed mascot is an advertising icon and mascot of __. When poked in the stomach, he makes a short giggling noise, lightly grabs his stomach, and smiles. Thought up by a copywriter of Leo Burnett when he was sitting in his kitchen under the pressure to create a campaign and imagined a dough boy popping out.
Name the mascot.
8. There are groups of women in US who often go up in arms for the cause of Women's rights and other exploitation issues. Once this group staged a massive protest against the publication of Playboy which they said portrayed women as sex objects. Playboy in turn argued that the magazine was not only bought by people for the pictures but for the educative and informative articles in them. They gave a very strong proof to support this argument. What ?
9. What do you get if you count the number of times a cricket chirps in one minute, subtract it by 40, then divide it by 4 and finally add 50?
10. This liquor gets its name from Dutch for “fire wine or burnt wine” and usually contains 40–60% ethyl alcohol by volume. Unless specified otherwise, it is made from grape wine. It is normally consumed as an after-dinner drink and sometimes filled with chocolate. Kirschwasser, Himbergeeist, Cognac and Armagnac are types of this drink. Best drunk at cool room temperature. Often it is slightly warmed, by holding the glass in the cup of the palm or gently heating with a candle. Fruits like apple, plum, peach, cherry, raspberry, blackberry, and apricot can also be used to make this drink. Which spirit is being described here?
"Claret is the liquor for boys; port for men; but he who aspires to be a hero must drink _____." – Samuel Johnson
11. Frederich Kekule witnessed a snake seizing it’s own tail in a dream, which was primarily an ancient symbol called Ourobros. He claimed that this helped him discover the shape of the molecule of an organic chemical compound. Which one?
12. Which famous brand used this ad line?
`Probably the only long-term relationship Marilyn ever enjoyed‘
`Probably the only long-term relationship Marilyn ever enjoyed‘
13. For the first time in more than a hundred years, the product is Going Green! Organic cotton, coconut shells, recycled cardboard and natural compound-dyes will be the key ingredients. What are we talking about?

14. ____ are areas of cereal or similar crops that have been systematically flattened to form various geometric patterns. They are used for advertising. founded by John Lundberg (UK) is into advertising by means of ___. They created numerous ___ since the mid 1990s for movies, TV shows, music videos, adverts and PR stunts. Clients to date have included Microsoft, Nike, Shredded Wheat, AMD, Hello Kitty, Pepsi, Weetabix, BBC, The Sun, Mitsubishi, O2, Big Brother, National, NBC-TV, Orange Mobile, History Channel and the Discovery Channel.
15. Back during the Internet boom days, _____was truly dynamic and innovative. And they proved it by doing things like advertising their website on fruit labels. What was innovative about their offerings was that they allowed a searcher to do natural language searching: enter a question instead of a search query.
15. Back during the Internet boom days, _____was truly dynamic and innovative. And they proved it by doing things like advertising their website on fruit labels. What was innovative about their offerings was that they allowed a searcher to do natural language searching: enter a question instead of a search query.
16. What are known as ‘Old Maids’ ?
17. Fahrenheit 451 is an apocalyptic movie about a future where books are burnt out. What is so special about the credits of this movie ?
18. Which electronic gadget was earlier known as ‘Lazy Bones’ ?
19. On July 21, 1969 a song called ‘Something In The Air’ by Thunderclap Newman was the No. 1 single in the UK. What’s the special incident that led to this ?
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