Qpedia - "Who, what, why etc etc"

We, the quizzers @ at an "esteemed" IT company, Calcutta, meet for half an hour every thursday to take a break from monotony of our daily job. This meeting known as "Thursday Thriller" (popular version: "TT") is an occasion, where one of us conducts a quiz( a lone-wolf type) and as for the rest of us, we simply have fun. This blog will bring those "fun-filled moments" to the rest of universe. Enjoy The Qpedia ?!

Monday, April 30, 2007

THE 18th Entry ---TT31Aug 2006


1.Who is the person and what has been Hidden?


2. Identify the captain of this ship on which Charles Darwin travelled and documented most of his findings?


3. Identify the person and what is his claim to fame?


4.Who is this famous hollywood actress?

5. What unit of measurement literally means "To embrace" and is defined by an act of the British Parliament as "the length of a swain's arms around the object of his affections" ?

6. What famous computer software is owned by NULLSOFT?

7. Who was the first poet to be buried in the Poet's corner of Westminster's Abbey?

8. I am the greatest Sitar player of the generation. I refused the Padma Vibushan, because the Government chose to honour Pandit Ravishankar with the Bharat Ratna and I would not accept anything less than that.
Who is he?

9. “I started my working career in August 1951. I married in October 1952. Both my working career and marriage are concurrent and successful. Success has mainly been possible because of a woman who married me. She is Swarn.
She is understanding, a motivator and comforting when the going gets tough or rough. I am grateful to Swarn for all these years of togetherness and happiness”
This is a such a lovely piece of expression by someone who had shaped Indian IT sector! He was born in Peshawar, the author of “The IT Revolution in India”, started his career with Tata Power and a Padma Bhusan recepient in 2002 . Identify the person.


10. Identify the family


11. Connect

12. This leading joint-stock company based in London had changed its flag thrice. Identify


13. Identify this award


14. Which English term was coined from this connection?


15. This is a rock band former by three Australian cricketers. Shane Lee, Brett Lee, Gavin Robertson. The name came from the rule of the club cricket, that if you hit a Six, you are out. Name it.


16. Identify the brand


17. Name this stadium located in Bolton, Lancashire.


18. Who is she and how is she infamous?

19. What are the tricks of divide and rule, importance of being careful in making friends, perils of natural enemies becoming friends, losing what you already have in hand and disastrous effects of saying things without proper forethought together called ?

20. Her real name was Rhodopis. One morning while bathing in the Nile, the beautiful Rhodopis saw an eagle snatch up one of her slippers which she had left on the sand. The bird carried the sandal to Memphis, 500 miles away, and there he dropped it into the lap of the Egyptian king Mycerinus as he sat administering royal justice. After many difficulties, the king married Rhodopis and made her the Queen of Egypt. It was in honour of her that he built the Third Pyramid of Gizeh. But who was Rhodopis ?



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