The 12th Entry- friday thriller
1. Connect Basil D Oliviera and Arthur Ashe
2.According to Garuda Purana, there are 84 lakhs of these, out of which 21 are more dreadful than the others, and the most heinous specimens are seen here...What am I talking about here?
3.This word was first used to describe compositions set to choir music of the church. It derives itself from the Greek 'antiphonos' meaning verse response. Later through latin it got to present situation. Which word?
4.Harvey and Bob had gone to watch Truffaut's Les Quatre Cent Coups anticipating it to be a raunchy French affair, but it turned out to be an antithesis of their expectations. Nonetheless, they were so moved by the film that, after some years, they founded their own film-production and distribution company, This production company was later acquired by the Walt Disney Company. Amongst this company's breakthrough films as distributors are The Crying Game, sex, lies, and videotape, Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! and Scandal. It also made film such as Pulp Fiction and Shakespeare In Love before being acquired by Walt Disney. What's this company?
5.This puzzle was invented in 1974 by a Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture. It comes in four different versions: the 2×2×2, the 3×3×3, the 4×4×4, and the 5×5×5. It has been suggested that the international appeal and export achievement of this puzzle became one of the contributing factors in the reform and liberalization of the Hungarian economy between 1981 and 1985, which finally led to the move from communism to capitalism!
What is this famous puzzle ?
6.This concept was first created in a book called 'Symposium', The concept was 'love of the idea of good which lies at the root of all virtue and truth'. The concept /idea / phrase was adapted as the title of his book in 1636 by William Davenant. Which concept/phrase used in contemporary language are we talking about here?
7. When Egypt and Iran had a diplomatic tiff, due to certain reasons, there was a concerted effort to kow-tow with each other. But one of the preconditions laid by Egypt to re-start talks with Iran was that a road in Teheran called the Khalid Eslamboli Avenue should change its name. Iran decided to re-name the Avenue as the ‘Intifada street’. Relations have normalised since then due to the peace talks that resulted. Why this hue and cry about a street name?
9.In the 1970 Mexico city soccer World cup match between USSR and host nation Mexico, which ended 0-0, history was made by two Soviet players Victor Serebriannikov and Anatoli Puzach. What first were they involved in?
10. Tobacco, Firearms, Used underwear, Human parts and Lottery tickets are a few banned items at this place. The list includes over a hundred such items. What is being referred to?
11.Its original title was to be "Stag Party," but an unrelated outdoor magazine, Stag, contacted the founder and informed him that they would legally protect their trademark if he were to launch his magazine with that name. One of the founders and executive vice president Eldon Sellers met to discuss the problem and to seek a new name. Sellers, whose mother had worked for the short-lived _______ Automobile Company in Chicago, suggested the name ___________.
12. Which term derived from East Asia describes a supposedly valuable possession whose upkeep costs exceed its usefulness, and it is therefore a liability?
13. It was developed in 1945 by Earl ________ (1907-1983) and comprised plastic containers used in households to contain food and keep it airtight. The formerly patented "burping seal" is a famous aspect which distinguished it from competitors. Distributors also known as consultants of this company invite friends and neighbors into their home to see the product line and sell it. They also follow a multi level marketing structure in some countries. In most countries, these products come with a lifetime guarantee. Identify the company

2.According to Garuda Purana, there are 84 lakhs of these, out of which 21 are more dreadful than the others, and the most heinous specimens are seen here...What am I talking about here?
3.This word was first used to describe compositions set to choir music of the church. It derives itself from the Greek 'antiphonos' meaning verse response. Later through latin it got to present situation. Which word?
4.Harvey and Bob had gone to watch Truffaut's Les Quatre Cent Coups anticipating it to be a raunchy French affair, but it turned out to be an antithesis of their expectations. Nonetheless, they were so moved by the film that, after some years, they founded their own film-production and distribution company, This production company was later acquired by the Walt Disney Company. Amongst this company's breakthrough films as distributors are The Crying Game, sex, lies, and videotape, Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! and Scandal. It also made film such as Pulp Fiction and Shakespeare In Love before being acquired by Walt Disney. What's this company?
5.This puzzle was invented in 1974 by a Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture. It comes in four different versions: the 2×2×2, the 3×3×3, the 4×4×4, and the 5×5×5. It has been suggested that the international appeal and export achievement of this puzzle became one of the contributing factors in the reform and liberalization of the Hungarian economy between 1981 and 1985, which finally led to the move from communism to capitalism!
What is this famous puzzle ?
6.This concept was first created in a book called 'Symposium', The concept was 'love of the idea of good which lies at the root of all virtue and truth'. The concept /idea / phrase was adapted as the title of his book in 1636 by William Davenant. Which concept/phrase used in contemporary language are we talking about here?
7. When Egypt and Iran had a diplomatic tiff, due to certain reasons, there was a concerted effort to kow-tow with each other. But one of the preconditions laid by Egypt to re-start talks with Iran was that a road in Teheran called the Khalid Eslamboli Avenue should change its name. Iran decided to re-name the Avenue as the ‘Intifada street’. Relations have normalised since then due to the peace talks that resulted. Why this hue and cry about a street name?
9.In the 1970 Mexico city soccer World cup match between USSR and host nation Mexico, which ended 0-0, history was made by two Soviet players Victor Serebriannikov and Anatoli Puzach. What first were they involved in?
10. Tobacco, Firearms, Used underwear, Human parts and Lottery tickets are a few banned items at this place. The list includes over a hundred such items. What is being referred to?
11.Its original title was to be "Stag Party," but an unrelated outdoor magazine, Stag, contacted the founder and informed him that they would legally protect their trademark if he were to launch his magazine with that name. One of the founders and executive vice president Eldon Sellers met to discuss the problem and to seek a new name. Sellers, whose mother had worked for the short-lived _______ Automobile Company in Chicago, suggested the name ___________.
12. Which term derived from East Asia describes a supposedly valuable possession whose upkeep costs exceed its usefulness, and it is therefore a liability?
13. It was developed in 1945 by Earl ________ (1907-1983) and comprised plastic containers used in households to contain food and keep it airtight. The formerly patented "burping seal" is a famous aspect which distinguished it from competitors. Distributors also known as consultants of this company invite friends and neighbors into their home to see the product line and sell it. They also follow a multi level marketing structure in some countries. In most countries, these products come with a lifetime guarantee. Identify the company

20.This began in London's poor East End just before Queen Victoria's reign. In 1835, Charles Henry, a tea merchant and grocery wholesaler, started his own shop opposite his home in Stepny.Their motto is Omnia Omnibus Ubique - All Things, For All People, Everywhere. It later diversified into various businesses which are now known as ________Bank, _______Estates, ________Casino, _________Aviation and Air _________. Fill in the blanks.
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