Qpedia - "Who, what, why etc etc"

We, the quizzers @ at an "esteemed" IT company, Calcutta, meet for half an hour every thursday to take a break from monotony of our daily job. This meeting known as "Thursday Thriller" (popular version: "TT") is an occasion, where one of us conducts a quiz( a lone-wolf type) and as for the rest of us, we simply have fun. This blog will bring those "fun-filled moments" to the rest of universe. Enjoy The Qpedia ?!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Answers to "The Sixth Entry"

Here are the answers to the sixth one:

1. 7up (can see it now...if not already)
2. These are the first ever spoken words on screen. Spoken by actor Al Jolson in the movie "Jazz Singer".
3. The connection is "Jeans".
4. Its the Lagaan XI and missing name is obviously Aamir Khan.
5. As Princess Diana died in a mercedes.
6. The name of the company is Bridgestone, as the meaning of word "Ishibashi" is a bridge of stones in English.
7. The first ever song to be relesed on mobiles.
8. The Whole Nine Yards (27 feet = 9 Yards)
9. The winning name was "Spam".
10. Napster and obviously, he's the guy behind Napster.
11. Garincha, despite being sent-off in semi finals, played in the final game. The only such instance in footballing history.
12. Adidas (Impossible is Nothing).
13. Peeping Tom.
14. Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble
15. Intel Inside.
16. Fevernova ( world cup 2006)
17. Hari Sadu (Naukari.com)
18. ColorPlus
19. Viagra
20. The three words are - (i) Harry apparently means "power", (ii) Hermione- the female equivalent of hermes- means well-born or stone and (iii) "mal foi" (derived from french "mal fait"- bad faith) obviously the inspiration for draco "malfoy". The connection is obvious.
21. Napoleon is the person.
22. The Citi never sleeps (Citi Bank)
23. The connection is Felu da - Satyajit Ray's character. (i) The first pic is of Jaislmer Fort, where "Sonar Kella" takes place. (ii) The second pic is of painter Tintorreto as in "Tintorretor Jishu" and (iii) Charminar- also the brand of cigarettes, Felu da smokes.
24. The two person are Roger Bannister and Jonh Lindy and the occasion is "4 minute a mile" by Roger Bannister.

All doubts, claims and counter-claims are welcome.


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