The Fourth Entry
On one of the Thursdays... Quiz master was Ankesh Gulathi
1. John Abraham = Kaun Abraham
Abhishek Bachchan = Abhishek Bachao
Uday Chopra = ?
Abhishek Bachchan = Abhishek Bachao
Uday Chopra = ?
2. Which company's ad is this?

5. Just after the release of Sholay, the song "Mehbooba Mehbooba" was used to market a product that still exists in India today. What was the product?
6. This is the most famous non-lyrical or non-musical document in the history of music. What's this?

7. Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyuktha Sangha in Hubli is the only organization authorised to produce what?
9. Complete the lyrics of the famous Country song (recently in news, c.2006) :
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
I keep my eyes wide open all the time
I keep the ends out for the tie that binds
Because you're mine, I _____ ___ _____.
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
I keep my eyes wide open all the time
I keep the ends out for the tie that binds
Because you're mine, I _____ ___ _____.
10. In 2003,Marvel Comics announced it was to publish a five-part series featuring a resurrected Diana, Princess of Wales as a mutant with superpowers, as part of Peter Milligan's X-Statix title. Amidst considerable (and predictable) outcry, the idea was quickly dropped. What was the suggested working title for this series? (hints: very similar to a popular movie name).
11. In Germany, a river ran through the city such that in its centre was an island, and after passing the island the river broke into two parts. Seven bridges were built so that the people of the city could get from part to another. How does it find a mention today?
12. Spurred by the impressive performance of Trinidad & Tobago at Germany 2006, the Hindu community - 'Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha' in West Indies has invited X to Trinidad to inspire youths to play football. Identify X ?
14. To hide ones strength from others is a trait encouraged in Chinese martial artists and warriors alike. How do we know this phrase better ?
15. "The flow of air over its surface was turbulent, which gave it a relatively low amount of drag.
Some way into its path-perhaps around the 10m mark - its velocity dropped such that it entered the laminar flow regime. This substantially increased the drag on it, which made it slow down even more. This enabled the side ways Magnus Force to come even more into effect. Assuming that the amount of spin had not decayed too much, then the drag coefficient increased. This introduced an even larger sideways force and caused it to bend further. Finally, as it slowed, the bend became more exaggerated still (possibly due to the increase in the lift coefficient) - much to the delight of the physicists". What incident is being described?
16. When the blockbuster animated movie "The Incredibles" was dubbed in Hindi, who gave the voice of Mr Incredible, the protagonist of the movie?
17. A company has been the cause of many road accidents and impending law suits which led to its removing a very successful promotional campaign in the US. "That was certainly the thing that put us over the edge," Thomas Monaghan (the then President) explained, adding that there "continues to be a perception, a perception that I believe is not supported by the facts, that the guarantee is unsafe. We got that message loud and clear". Identify the company & the campaign? (hints: campaign is still on in India.)
18. Namita was dressed in a resplendent Orissa silk saree. Her husband Ranjan too was accompanying her. Namita's foster father was insured for a sum of Rs.177/-. The gifts they were carrying for their hosts included laser discs of Pakeezah, Mughal-e-Azam. What is being described here ?
20. It is owned by Despair - an "anti-motivational" company that sells humorous posters about futility, failure and depression to "pessimists, losers and underachievers." With U.S. trademark registration number 2,347,676, it gets the same trademark protection as a corporate logo or other similar intellectual property. What is it ?
21. Sometime in the twenty-seventh century, a mysterious meteorite falls into an archipelago in the earths southern hemisphere. A couple of years later, the word starts spreading that a terrorist group is an alien invasion of the earth through these islands. A special commando is sent in to neutralize these terrorists. Story plot for what ?
22. Connect the following places:
i> Rajghat in New Delhi
ii> Governor House in Kolkata
iii> Loyola College in Chennai
iv> Flora Fountain in Mumbai.
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