Qpedia - "Who, what, why etc etc"

We, the quizzers @ at an "esteemed" IT company, Calcutta, meet for half an hour every thursday to take a break from monotony of our daily job. This meeting known as "Thursday Thriller" (popular version: "TT") is an occasion, where one of us conducts a quiz( a lone-wolf type) and as for the rest of us, we simply have fun. This blog will bring those "fun-filled moments" to the rest of universe. Enjoy The Qpedia ?!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Answers to "The Tenth Entry"

Here are the answers to the tenth one:

0. ?! or the Interrobang.
1. Shock and Awe
2. Mahatma Gandhi
3. Don Quixote
4. Col Bogey's march from Bridge on river Kwai
5. Doordarshan
6. Who wants 2 be a millionaire
7. Fanaa.
8. Mountain Dew
9. "Lovely planet" mistaken for "Lonely Planet"
10. X = Orkut Boyakkuten, Y=Orkut and Z= Google, obviously.
11. Pi day ( 3.14 1 59)
12. Hari Sadu
13. Neil o'Brien
14. Guernica bombing thence the painting by Picasso
15. U2's song Where the Streets have no name ..as described by Bono
16. Earl of Huntingdon, Robin Hood
17. Bite a bullet

That's all for now, folks!


Blogger bisnil said...

Really utile . . .

10:23 AM  
Blogger bisnil said...

Really utile ..
keep it up and running ..

10:24 AM  

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